Saturday, July 27, 2024
ECC Team
photo of Scott Subler Scott Subler, President

Dr. Subler co-founded ECC in 2004. He is the founder and former President of Pacific Garden Company, a producer and marketer of organic soil fertility products. Prior to that, he was a research scientist and professor at Ohio State University. Dr. Subler is widely recognized as a scientific and policy expert in the areas of agricultural carbon and nutrient cycling, soil ecology, and environmental credits and is a recent recipient of the Climate Action Reserve's 'Distinguished Carrot' Award. Dr. Subler chaired the Offset Committee of the Chicago Climate Exchange from 2007 to 2011 and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the US Composting Council, as well as several other advisory boards. Dr. Subler received his Doctorate in Ecosystem Ecology from Pennsylvania State University.

photo of Derek Six Derek Six, CEO

Mr. Six joined ECC in 2006. He is the former Director of Equity Research for the Nittany Lion Fund, and a former Business Consultant for the Small Business Development Center. He has founded and managed several start-up ventures including both brick-and-mortar businesses and online ventures. Mr. Six received an MBA in Investment Management and Portfolio Analysis from Penn State. Mr. Six was a Co-Founder and Treasurer of the Carbon Offset Provider's Coalition, and served as the Assistant Chairman of the Compliance Offset Developer's Association (CODA). He participated in the CAR ODS workgroup, and has worked on several research studies involving climate change policy; cap and trade design; and the roles of voluntary and compliance offsets. Mr. Six spent six semesters as an instructor for the Pennsylvania State University’s Energy and Sustainability Policy degree program, and continues to volunteer his time for various programs at the Smeal College of Business at Penn State.  Mr. Six holds EPA Section 608 and 609 Technician Certifications, and is a US Coast Guard-licensed Master Captain.

photo of Scott Tudman Scott Tudman, Director

Mr. Tudman joined ECC in 2007. Mr. Tudman came to ECC after 11 years of experience as a Project Engineer with Malcolm Pirnie. Mr. Tudman oversaw a variety of Air Quality and Energy Cogeneration projects at Malcolm Pirnie. Mr. Tudman received his BS in Applied Physics at SUNY, and his MS in Civil/Environmental Engineering from Clarkson University.

photo of Bridget Nelson Bridget Nelson, Director

Ms. Nelson joined ECC in 2006. As Director of Account Management, she oversees project data management, verification support and registry submissions. Ms. Nelson has developed substantial expertise in the operational aspects of ODS, Ag Methane, Landfill Methane, and Composting protocols at both the CCX and the CAR. Ms. Nelson formerly worked as a Lab Assistant at the USDA-ARS-Pasture Systems and Watershed Management Research Unit, and received her BS in Agriculture from Penn State University.

Upcoming Events
Recent Events

ECC and Native Energy conducted a workshop on Environmental and economic benefits of capturing dairy manure methane in Chambersburg, PA, which included a tour of anaerobic digester projects under construction on dairies in Pennsylvania. ECC and Native Energy partnered to develop three such projects in PA, with support from a USDA CIG grant.

Dr. Subler was a speaker at the Biogas USA East 2011 Conference, June 21-22, 2011, in Chicago.

Derek Six spoke about Livestock Methane Destruction and Ozone Depleting Substances Destruction at the New York Stock Exchange for the Climate Action Reserve's California Offsets Workship on July 26, 2011

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